Create Website Traffic Rotator Co-op |
● Step 1: Select the website you want to send people to with this co-op, enter the site name that will appear at the end of the Website Traffic Rotator URL, and then click the Save button. Note, once you Save, you cannot update the site or site name for the co-op.
● Step 2: The rotation will take place in the order in which you add members to the rotation. Each member gets one website visitor and then it rotates to the next member in the list. When each member gets one website visitor, it cycles through the list for any additional shares (one website visitor per member) until the total shares have been met. If a new member is added to the rotation mid cycle, he/she will be given the next website visitor and when the cycle has completed will fall into the list in the last place.
● Enter the Account Email Address for the Member you want to add to the rotation in the Email Address textbox.
● Enter the number of shares for the Member in the Shares textbox.
● Click the Add button to save the Member to the rotation.
IMPORTANT: Inform all Rotational participants not to go to the Website Traffic Rotator URL, as these visits will be counted as real website visits and will affect the shares of visitors distributed to the participants in the Rotation.
You can update the Shares values for the Members in the rotation by editing the values in the Shares textboxes in the rotation table.
You can update the Sort Order for the Members in the rotation by editing the values in the rotation table.
You can delete members from the rotation by selecting the Delete checkboxes for the Members you want to remove from the rotation. Click the Delete Selected button to remove the selected Members from the rotation.