How Do I Use Live Chat on My Website?


As per current market scenarios and growing trends, Live Chat has been introduced as an integral part of the Lead Capture System to strengthen and optimize the sales and marketing opportunity of individual Members and their parent Company. The Live Chat application has been integrated into the current system, so you don’t have to go through the pains of installing additional software. Just by logging into the system and making a few settings updates in the back office, the you can start interacting online with your website visitors.

Adjust Your Live Chat Settings

Before adding Live Chat to your website, you should review and adjust your live chat settings. To adjust your Live Chat settings, click Sales Tools on the main menu, and then click the Live Chat link. A new window or tab will open for live chat. Click the Live Chat  tab.

The Live Chat Settings screen is where you set how the system will respond to the interaction between you and your visitor. Note: The System Admin can lock these settings so the Member is not allowed to update the settings.

    On the left hand side of your screen is the When I Am Online message settings. Enter the text that would like to display on the Chat Window when you start the chat session with your visitor (as shown in the figure below).

    ONLINE Welcome Text: Enter the text message you would like the Visitor to see when the Messenger Screen opens up for the first time.

    ONLINE Please Wait For Operator text: Enter the text message you would like the visitor to receive if your response is delayed by more than 1 minute.

    On the right hand side of the screen are the OFFLINE message settings where you can update the text that the Visitor will see when you are offline (as shown in the figure below).

    Settings OFFLINE Message: Enter the Offline message that you would like your visitor to see when you are not logged into the System or Live Chat.

    Email Address Where Offline emails are to: Enter the email that you want to receive queries on from site visitors when you are offline.

    Below the Online / Offline Message are settings that can be customized as per your requirements.

    Turn off Chat Alert Sound: Checking this checkbox will turn off the chat alert sound. Un-checking will turn on to the chat sound.

    Turn off Chat Optional pop out Form: Checking this checkbox will turn off the optional pop out form that the visitor is required to submit before the chat session is initiated with you. If the checkbox is unchecked the Visitor will have to submit the form to be able to chat with you. The optional pop out form can also serve to gather visitor information and follow up if required.

    Show Me as Offline: Checking this checkbox will show you as offline even if you are logged into your back office.

Once you have completed your settings updates, click the Submit button to save your updates.

Enable Live Chat on Your Site on Manage Site

After you save your settings, you can enable Live Chat for your site on the Manage Site screen. Click Sales Tools on the main menu, and then click the Manage Site link to go to the Manage Site screen. On the Manage Site screen, then click the Live Chat tab.

    To enable Live Chat for your site (if your company has Live Chat available on the site), check the Enable Chat in your Website with site visitors checkbox and click the Save Live Chat Settings button.

    You can display your personal photo in the Live Chat window that your Site Visitors use to chat with you. The image should be 70 x 70 pixels in size. Click the browse button to locate the picture to upload on your local computer. Click the Save Live Chat Photo button to upload and save your photo.


Live Chat Console

After you enable live chat, you can launch the Live Chat Console. To open the Chat console, go back to the Live Chat window, and click Live Chat Console tab.

    The Live Chat console is the window through which you will communicate and interact with your website visitors. The Live Chat Console has the Queue / Visitors Tab at the bottom of the window and the Info tab at the right.

    Visitors Tab: This tab will show you all the visitors that are currently browsing your web site. The status Column will display either Invite or Invited. If a visitor has already been invited the status will be Invited. Once the Visitor accepts the chat, the Visitor will be moved to the Queue tab. If a visitor has not been invited he will remain in the visitors tab. Visitor are identified as Visitor 1, Visitor 2 and so on.

    Queue Tab: This tab will have a list of Visitors who are chatting with you. A Member can initiate chat from the Visitors tab or the Visitor can initiate chat on the Member’s web site by clicking on the Chat Icon. The Status on the Queue tab would have two listings – Chatting and Accept.

    Accept status is for those visitors who have initiated the chat on the website, but you have yet to accept the chat invitation.

    Chatting status is for those visitors who are currently chatting with you.

    Info Tab: The Info tab on the upper right hand corner of the Chat Console displays the information for the Visitor with whom you are currently chatting with. To display the information on the Info tab, click the name in the tab on the left hand corner of the screen.

You can chat with multiple Visitors at the same time with tabbed conversations. To chat, all you have to do is insert the text message and click on Send button. You can continue the chat session with other Visitors just by clicking on the tab with the visitors name at the top.

Live Chat Alert

If you are in the back office but do not have the live chat console open, the system will notify you if a site visitor requests a chat. Wen a visitor requests a chat, the chat sound alert will sound and Visitor Requests Chat! will appear in the back office header. You can click Visitor Requests Chat! in the header to open the live chat console.

Live Chat Details

If you have chatted with a visitor who is a Contact in your back office, you can review your chat in the Activity section of the Contact Details page for that contact. Click the Live Chat Session link in the Activity table to view your chat conversation.