Manage Categories

Click My Contacts on the main menu. On the Search Contacts page, scroll down and click the Manage Contact Category Folders link.

The Manage Categories screen displays the Categories you have created in a table. The table displays the following for each category:

    Category - This displays the name saved for a main category.

    Sub Category - This displays the name saved for a sub category.

    Sort Order Textbox with Save Sort Order Button - You can update the sequence in which your main categories display in the back office using these textboxes. Enter the sequence numbers in the category textboxes and click the Save Sort Order button to save your main category sort order.

    Note, you cannot change the sequence on System Categories. You can only do this on your own custom created categories.

    Autoresponder Campaigns Subscribed to this Category - This displays the Autoresponder Email Campaigns that will be sent to the sub category.

    To update a category, click the Edit link for the category/sub category in the table, and you will go to the Manage Category screen where you can make your updates.

    To delete a category/sub category from the table, click the Delete link for the category/sub category in the table.

NOTE: System categories cannot be edited or deleted.

Creating Categories

To create a main category:

1.  Click the Add New Category link on the Manage Categories screen.

2.  On the Manage Category screen, enter the Category Name and Description.

3.  Click the Save button to save the main category.

After you have created your main categories, create your subcategories. To create a subcategory:

1.  Click the Add New Category link on the Manage Categories screen.

2.  On the Manage Category screen, enter the Category Name and Description. Select the main category your subcategory should be place under in the Subcategory of drop-down menu.

3.  Click the Save button to save the subcategory.

Editing Categories

To edit a main category:

1.  Click the Edit link for the Category in the table on the Manage Categories screen.

2.  On the Manage Category screen, edit the Category Name and Description.

3.  Click the Save button to save the updates.

To edit a subcategory:

1.  Click the Edit link for the Sub Category in the table on the Manage Categories screen.

2.  On the Manage Category screen, edit the Category Name and Description. Update the main category your subcategory should be place under in the Subcategory of drop-down menu.

3.  Click the Save button to save the updates.