iCallBlazer Voicemails

You can record voicemail messages using a phone.

1.  Dial the number listed in the back office.

2.  When prompted enter your iCallBlazer MemberID followed by the pound(#) key. Your iCallBlazer MemberID is displays on the Voicemail back office page within the Record Your Voice Message instructions.

3.  When prompted enter your passcode followed by the pound(#) key. Your passcode displays on the Voicemail back office page within the Record Your Voice Message instructions.

4.  You will be prompted to record your voicemail message. Once you have recorded successfully you will be provided with the following options:

    To Accept Press 1

    To Review Press 2

    To Re-record Press 3

5.  Once you are done, hang up the phone and refresh the back office page and your voice recording will display in the Current Voice Message Recordings table at the bottom of the page.

To upload a Voicemail audio file:

1.  Enter a Name for the File you are uploading. The Name will display in the table for Voicemails in the Description column.

2.  Enter the path for the audio file you wish to upload in the File text box or click the Browse button to find the file. NOTE: To ensure the best quality for playback, we recommend one of the following formats:

    WAV (8000 Hz, 8 bit, mono PCM)

    WAV (8000 Hz, 8 bit, mono CCITT U-Law)

3.  Click the Save button.

The Current Voice Message Recordings table displays the Voicemails you have uploaded. You can update the following in the table:

    Update Voicemail Name/Description in the textbox and click the Save button below the table to save your changes.

    Click the Delete button to delete a voicemail file.

NOTE: Voicemails provided by the Admin cannot be updated. They can only be listened to.