Email Broadcast

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Click Sales Tools on the main menu, and then click the Email Broadcast link.

To send an email broadcast, click the Create New Email Broadcast link, and you will be brought to the first screen of the create an email broadcast process, the Create Broadcast Email - Select Recipients screen.

Note: You can see all the steps in the Create an Email Broadcast process on the How Do I Send an Email Broadcast help topic.

The Email Broadcast screen displays the email broadcasts you have created in a table.

    To view the content for an email broadcast, click the View link for the email in the table, and the email content will display in a pop-up window/tab.

    To view the Delivery Report for an email broadcast, click the Delivery Report link for the email in the table, and the report will display in a pop-up window/tab.

    To delete an email broadcast from the table, click the Delete link for the email broadcast in the table.