How Do I Send an Email Broadcast? |
1. Click Sales Tools on the main menu, and then click the Email Broadcast link to go to the Email Broadcast screen.
2. On the Email Broadcast screen, click the Create New Email Broadcast link, and you will go to the Create Broadcast Email - Select Recipients screen.
3. On the Create Broadcast Email - Select Recipients screen, click the + button for a saved search group or category to expand the folder so the options become available to select. Select the saved search groups and/or categories for the email broadcast, and click the Save button, and you will go to the Choose Email Broadcast Template screen.
4. On the Choose Email Broadcast Template screen, any previous broadcasts that you have created can be used as a starting point for your broadcast. If you would like to use a previous broadcast as a starting point, simply select it using the button to the left of the broadcast, scroll down, and click "Continue". If you would like a blank slate, scroll down and click "Continue".
5. On the Create Your Message screen:
a. Enter the email subject in the Subject textbox.
b. Enter and format the email content in the HTML Editor window.
c. Click the Save Your Work button to save the email message and proceed.
6. On the Schedule Your Message screen, schedule when you want your email to be sent:
● Option 1: Send the Email Broadcast Now - To send the Email Broadcast now, click the Send Email Broadcast Now button. Please note it may take several hours before the broadcast is sent depending on the mail traffic.
● Option 2: Schedule a Date and Time to Send your Broadcast - To send the Email Broadcast at a later date, please specify the date and time below and click the Schedule Email Broadcast button below. The Date and Time the email is scheduled to send is based on Eastern Standard Time (EST) which is the Time Zone for the system. Please note the delays described above will also apply to scheduled broadcasts.