Manage Contacts






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Clicking My Contacts on the main menu brings you to the Manage Contacts screen.

Using Contact Management, you can view your contacts by category group, search for contacts, export your contacts, print mailing labels for your contacts, and print contact information.

The At a Glance links on the left hand panel allow you to quickly see the following:

    New Leads: Click this link to see all contacts that you have never accessed the Contact Details for.

    Today’s Activity: Click this link to see the Contacts who had activity today.

    This Week’s Activity: Click this link to see the Contacts who had activity this week.

To view all contacts for that category, click the Category link.

To do a simple search by name, email address or phone number:

1.  Enter the value you want to search on in the Search For textbox, and select the value type from the corresponding drop-down.

2.  Click the Go button to submit your search.

To do an advanced search:

1.  Click the Advanced Search link.

2.  Select or enter the values you want to search on in the appropriate Advanced Search sections:

    Contact Activity and Lead Rating:

    Contact Activity – you can search for Contacts who did the following activities:

    Web Form Submission

    Returning Site Visit

    Autoresponder Email Opened

    Site Revisit Autoresponder Email Opened

    Follow Up Email Opened

    Broadcast Email Opened

    Autoresponder Email Clicked Through

    Site Revisit Autoresponder Email Clicked Through

    Follow Up Email Clicked Through

    Broadcast Email Clicked Through

    PDF Downloaded

    Video Viewed

    Activity Time Frame – Today or Last 7 Days

    Lead Rating

    Email Information

    Email Status

    Temporary Bounce: will search for contacts who had an email to them temporarily bounce. A temporary bounce occurs an email cannot be delivered but the system will try to send it again.

    Permanent Bounce: will search for contacts who had an email to them permanently bounce. A permanent bounce occurs when an email cannot be successfully delivered.

    Unsubscribed: will search for contacts who unsubscribed from an email.

    Email Marked as SPAM: will search for Contacts who marked an email as SPAM.

    Restricted: will search for Restricted Contacts. Imported Contacts are set to Restricted Status. Contacts with Restricted Status can only be sent Follow-Up Emails. Email Broadcasts and Autoresponders are not sent to Contacts with Restricted Status. Once your imported contact opts in to receive emails from you, his/her email status will update to be Confirmed Status.

    Confirmed: will search for Confirmed Contacts. Contacts who come in via your lead capture web form and Contacts who you manually enter are automatically set to Confirmed Status.

    Invalid Email Address: will search for Contacts whose email addresses are not valid.

    Has Opened Emails


    Contact Source / Category / Ad Code

    Contact Source

    Contact Category

    Ad Code - Watch the “How do I use Ad Tracker to track my Return on Investment (ROI) for Advertising” video tutorial to learn more.

    Date Added - Search Examples:

    If you enter May 21 for the date and select the Before option, the system will search for all contacts added before May 21.

    If you enter May 21 for the date and select the On option, the system will search for all contacts added on May 21.

    If you enter May 21 for the date and select the After option, the system will search for all contacts added after May 21.

    Contact Added Within the Last - Search Example: If you enter 60, the system will search for all contacts added within the last 60 days.

    Site Visits

    Last Site Visit - Search Examples:

    If you enter May 15 for the date and select the Before option, the system will search for all contacts who visited the site before May 15.

    If you enter May 15 for the date and select the On option, the system will search for all contacts who visited the site on May 15.

    If you enter May 15 for the date and select the After option, the system will search for all contacts who visited the site after May 15.

    Site Visit Within the Last - Search Example: If you enter 30, the system will search for all contacts who visited the site within the last 30 days.

    # of Site Visits

    Location search filters:



    Zip/Postal Code


    Area Code

3.  Click the Search button to submit your search.

You can also save your advanced contact searches so the contact search parameter is available to send email broadcasts to.

1.  When you do an Advanced Search, enter a name in the Save this search as textbox to save your advanced search parameters for future use.

2.  Click the Search button to submit your search and save it.

    Your search results appear in the search results table and your Saved Search Group appears as a link in the Saved Searches list on the left hand side of the page.

    You can use the same search parameters again and again. Just click the Saved Search link to perform the search.

    To delete a Saved Search, click the checkbox for the Search Group you want to delete, and then click the OK button in the pop up that appears to confirm you want to delete the search.

Search results appear in the search results table.

    To change the category for multiple contacts at one time, select the checkboxes in the search results table for the contacts you want to change the category for, select the new category in the Change Category drop-down, and then click the Go button.

NOTE: As contacts are taken through your prospecting method, they will need to move through various categories. When a contact is ready to move to another category, simply select the appropriate new category from the choices available.

Some categories are associated with an email campaign or campaigns (as noted by the email symbol that displays next to the category. If you choose to move the contact to a new category, the contact will begin receiving the email campaign(s) associated with the new category and will stop receiving the email campaign(s) associated with the old category.

    To export contacts, select the checkboxes in the search results table for the contacts you want to export, and then click the Export Contacts button.

    To print mailing labels for contacts, select the checkboxes in the search results table for the contacts you want to print mailing labels for, and then click the Print Labels button.

    To print contact information for contacts, select the checkboxes in the search results table for the contacts you want to print contact information for, and then click the Print Contacts button.

    Click the Name link in the search results table to open a contact details tab for a contact. When you click a Name Link, a new tab will appear for the Contact. You can navigate back and forth between the contact manager and the contact details tabs. When you open many contact tabs, navigation buttons will appear so you can move back and forth in your tabs. You can click the Close button on a Contact tab to close it. Be sure to save updates in your contact details before closing the tab for a contact.

Click below to learn how to manage and update your contact's info.